The Counterclockwise Rotator Cell, abbreviated as CCW Rotator or just CCW frequently, changes the direction of cells in the orthogonal direction clockwise from the current direction of the rotated cell. The Clockwise Rotator does the opposite, rotating it clockwise. This only matters for rotation-dependant cells. The current rotation of the rotator itself has no impact on the direction of a cell being rotated.
Key Attributes
• Pushable
• Rotation-independent
• Updates- is 3rd in the update order
Uses in the Community
In contraptions, the CCW rotator has many different uses. Usually, they are somewhat interchangeable with CW rotators if orientations are changed in other components. It can be used to:
• Guide streams of movers
• Rotate slide cells to allow them to be moved under a condition, like in a key where that condition is met every other tick, or a longboat which has a larger interval
• Orient generators correctly, like in an enemy transport or as a form of enabling/disabling them by preventing them from functioning
• Create nukes, by introducing seemingly random rotations of generators
• And certainly many, many, many more uses.
In puzzles, these rotators also have many uses. Namely, they are often used for setting up timers, making obstacles more difficult to get past, or to get movers into position.
In vaults, they serve further uses. They are the key to solving simple vaults without immobile or trash cells, as they can make a row possible to push out of the way. In making vaults, they will often be used to set up small machines, like locks or timers. In solving vaults, rotators are invaluable. They will be used in many, many different ways to guide other cells through difficult passageways, balance the effect of other rotators, smuggle, and so much more.