The Generator Cell is one of the most important cells due to its unique functionality of increasing the amount of cells in the grid. The cell behind it gets copied in front of it, making it necessary for pretty much all advanced contraptions, puzzles, and vaults. It is the only cell that can move things faster than c (the speed of light, i.e. one cell per tick. However, movers can carry information faster than c, through Lightwires), and has many advanced uses.

Key Attributes

  • Pushable, and also can push
  • Rotation-dependent
  • Updates first in the update order

Special Properties

The Generator Cell has the special ability to create a new cell, which no other cell can. This leads to new properties, like <b>subsubticking</b>. Subsubticking is the way that generators run when placed on the same line. Although movers can avoid such issues through suppression, where movers that are pushed by other movers can not move again, generators can not avoid such issues. Instead, they simply run from back to front in a line of generators, and are tracked to make sure that a generator made in the same subtick can not also run, creating an infinite loop. Generators are blocked from functioning when a mover is facing the opposite direction, another example of suppression.

Uses in the community

In contraptions, the generator cell is used too many ways to count. Some important uses include:

  • Lightwires
  • Anything involving making structures
  • Portals
  • Logic gates
  • It's not really worth trying to list all uses

For puzzles, generators are not frequently used in the section outside of the placeable area. However, due to their frequent use in most complex structures, they will often be included for use by the player.

In vaults, the generator cell also unsuprisingly plays a large role. They are used often to make timers, locks, and various defenses. In solving, they play a large role in can openers, allowing for fast opening by immediately putting a row of rotators into place. They are also used in smuggling and other opening mechanisms, to put cells into place immediately.