Cell Machine: Mystic Mod is the most popular Cell Machine remake. It was made by Mystic with help from Snazz. Cell Machine Mystic Mod was the first remake to add a true sandbox mode, level saving and importing, as well as a deterministic subticking order. Smartfridgegamer's sandbox mod for Cell Machine Classic was the first mod to have a sandbox, but it was a large level with a large box of cells to use.

Mystic Mod has 9 cells:

  1. generator Generator Cell
  2. cwccw Rotator Cell(s)
  3. mover Mover Cell
  4. slide Slide Cell
  5. push Push Cell
  6. immobile Immobile Cell
  7. enemy Enemy Cell
  8. trash Trash Cell

Eight entries are listed: the rotator cells are grouped together due to their similarity.