Cell Machine's mechanics can seem quite complex and esoteric, but in reality they are quite simple. This category contains most, if not all, necessary information on the mechanics of the game. These should all have their own articles eventually, but will have small summaries in here with links to the main pages.

General Simulation

Time Controls

The 3 main time controls are Play, Pause, and Tick. The default speed is 5 ticks per second. Play and Pause are self explanatory, but Tick only does one tick and does not automatically play any more ticks.

The Grid

The usable area in Cell Machine is a rectangular grid with dimensions specified upon level creation. The entirety of the level simulation is run on this grid. The borders of this grid are similar to immobile cells, but the borders can not be generated. Some remakes will have a cell (often called the ghost cell) which acts exactly the same as these borders. These allow for non-rectangular grids, in some sense. Different border types change the behavior of these borders.



Subticking is the core of how updating cells move. The order of subticking is: (Freeze), Generator, CW Rotator, CCW Rotator, Mover. For rotation-dependent cells, the direction order is: Right, Left, Up, Down. Obviously, this does not apply to slide cells.


Suppression is when the core functionality of cells is prevented. This can be due to many causes. Generators and movers can be suppressed by slide cells, immobile cells, movers, and freeze cells. Rotators can only be suppressed by freeze cells, although their functionality can be made to have no effect if placed by rotation-independent cells. No other cells in Cell Machine Indev can be suppressed.